If you don’t think we’re in
trouble with this ISIS terrorism threat, consider this. Terrorists are as much
like the fire ant as any enemy we’ve ever had and the fire ant continues to be
a terror to southern homeowners, with no solution in sight. They came across
our southern border at Mobile, Al., in the late 1930s, according to my
research, which I learned how to do at the Georgia Southern library while
flunking out and trying to pick up coeds at the same time. It can be done. But
I digress. The fire ant will kill anything it doesn’t like or understand as
will the terrorist, but there are some differences. While the ISIS terrorist
appears to enjoy the company of many women as wives, the fire ant’s “wife”
kills him after “relations”. There may be something to this. So with the
exception of praying and the “relations” thing and who knows what those devils
are doing down in their holes, the similarity is inescapable. We’re coming to
the close of a twenty year war here at my homeland against these homegrown
thugs and, as I’ve told my neighbors who refuse to see the threat, “The fire
ant is coming to a mound, rotten log or bed of weeds near you.”
As a means of
personally preparing for the war that must continue, I’ve been taking notes
from our fighting forces in Iraq and Syria lately and am hopeful some of the
techniques used in those wars will serve my family well here on the home front.
I like the term “degrade and destroy” but prefer “stomp, squish and slaughter”
with just a wee bit of revenge for all the terror. This all has to be done of
course before they go underground, hide amongst their own kind and take over
the whole yard. They currently have commandeered territory the size of a hot
tub and are spreading toward my northern and eastern borders, Mrs. Smith’s
place and Bret Ivey’s little patch of heaven respectively. We are a coalition
of three but could use a few more folks. Problem is, unless they’re being
terrorized directly, the neighbors don’t see the need to spend money on
defending their yards. Plus they’ve told me if we just ignore them they will
probably go away. “Don’t want to make them mad” is what I heard at the last
driveway summit. Truth is, they stay mad and that’s probably why they’re red.
It’s probably a blood pressure issue. Dropping a few off in the neighbor’s
yards might encourage them to get involved but that would be unethical and
probably not politically correct. But it would only take one of those “lone
wolves” to help them see the need to get on board with the coalition of three.
These things can swarm on you (think Mosul, Iraq) or strike as one and get your
attention right quick. The truth is the coalition does not appear to be working
and so this is going to be a unilateral effort by me. I’ve thought about a
“shock and awe” strategy with gasoline and a match but quickness left me years
ago and I could trip and blow myself up. Pinpoint bombing with hot candle wax
is fun but ineffective as they’ll just dig out somewhere else.
Then there’s the
scientific method of using the ol’ laser through the magnifying glass technique
but that seems cruel and unusual. I could use a “real deal” waterboarding
method where I don’t play around but actually drown the suckers (well, after
all, we’re not seeking information here) but the “sympathetic six”, the
neighbors who refuse to join the coalition, frown when they see me with the
hose because they know I’m not watering the grass and can be doing only mean
things to the ants. Besides, the little weasels are very effective floaters,
riding the water until their six feet touch the ground. I’ve thought about
trying to change their ideology by inserting peace loving black ants in their
communities but once the black ants enter the mound they’re either converted to
radical red ant ways or killed. I suppose the only answer is the federal
government. I wonder what Attorney General Holder is thinking about for
retirement? Naw, as bad as this place is, it ain’t Ferguson.
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